2019년 11월 8일 금요일

갤럭시폴드 중국에서 완판 뜨거운 반응

중국시장에서 갤럭시폴드의 기세가 매섭다. 중국온라인매장에서 출시된지 2초만에 매진되는 기염을 토하면서 삼성의 브랜드 이미지를 고조시키고 있다 징둥닷컴에 출시된 갤럭시폴드는 중국시장을 뜨겁게 달구며 그 인기를 구가하고 있다.

2017년 8월 26일 토요일

In Bloomberg, the probability of a US interest rate hike in December, which was reflected in the federal funds rate futures market, was 42.1 percent.

Janet Jellen, the chairman of the Federal Reserve System, is unusually silent at the Jackson Hole Symposium, raising doubts over the possibility of further hikes in US benchmark interest rates throughout the year.

In the futures market, the possibility of further rate hikes fell to one-third of the year, and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) commissioners began to voice their concerns.

Federal Reserve Chairman Yellan attends Hearing Finance Committee

The Federal Reserve's interest rate futures market, which is expected to rise to 37 percent in December, will likely see a rate hike this year, according to Yelton's speaker at Jackson Hole, according to Foreign and Chinese Commodity Exchanges (CME)

That's down from 44 percent, just before Yellan's speech.

In Bloomberg, the probability of a US interest rate hike in December, which was reflected in the federal funds rate futures market, was 42.1 percent.

Only 12.0% of FOMCs will be raised immediately next month, and the possibility of an increase in November was 17.5%.

The value of the dollar also declined in the foreign exchange market.

The dollar index (DXY), which was based on the dollar's value against the six major currencies on Tuesday, closed at 92.52, down 0.8% from the previous day.

The dollar fell to 92.42, the lowest level in a year and three months since May last year.

The value of the dollar is usually strong when the US benchmark interest rate rises.

The Fed raised its interest rate four times in June this year after it raised its first interest rate in about nine years in December 2015.

In particular, six FOMC commissioners were expected to raise the interest rate by 1.25% to 1.5% this year, and it was expected to rise three times a year.

The Fed has already raised interest rates in March and June this year, and it has been observed that it is not too much to raise three times this year.

However, the outlook is that the Fed is not going to raise interest rates until the end of the year.

At the FOMC meeting last month, disagreements over the timing of the rate hike were revealed. Some commission members were negative about the hike in the rate hike due to the inflation rate being below the target.

In a speech at the Jackson Hole Symposium, Yellan's chairman broke the market forecast and poured oil without disclosing any fundamental opinion on the asset shrinking schedule or the rate hike during the year.

In a speech of about 10 pages, the direction of monetary policy as well as inflation, interest rate, and asset purchase were not mentioned once.

The market interpreted this silence as suggesting a freeze of interest rates.

Some FOMC commissioners recently commented on the interest rate freeze.

"The Federal Reserve should cut back on assets sooner or later," said Robert Kaplan, a federal spokesman. "We want to be patient with tightening."

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said in an interview with CNBC at the Jackson Hole that "the job market is brisk, but inflation is below the target, it is a mystery," and the moderate rate of inflation indicates that the Fed is patient.

Spielberg's new movie "The Post", known as "Pentagon Papers," was confirmed on the 25th

Steven Spielberg's new movie title is "The Post".

 According to Variety, Spielberg's new movie "The Post", known as "Pentagon Papers," was confirmed on the 25th.

 The film, co-produced by Fox and Ambuline Entertainment, is starring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep in the Academy Award for Best Actor, directed by Steven Spielberg.

 The Post will be released on December 22, 2018, and will be officially released on January 12, 2018.

 The story of the Washington Post (WP) and the New York Times (NYT) revealing the US government's illegal involvement in Vietnam in the 1970s. At that time, the Washington Post reported the U.S. Department of Defense document, revealing the ugliness of the United States surrounding the Vietnam War and causing a stir. The report shocked the United States with the US government pushing out the regime of Gondan DM in South Vietnam and stimulating North Vietnam to expand the war.


 Tom Hanks plays the editor of the Washington Post, Ben Bradley, and the publisher, Kay Graham, plays the character of Meryl Streep to confront the US government for freedom of speech. Liz Hanna plays the script.

 American filmmakers have been criticized by the film "The Post", Ridley Scott's "All the Money in the World," Clint Eastwood's "The 15: 17 to Paris) are expected to compete in the 90th Annual Academy Awards.

Followers riot on convicted Indian cleric sexually assault

A total of 32 people were killed and 250 wounded in the uprising caused by angry followers in New Delhi, where new religious leaders were found guilty of raping women on 25th. Indian police also arrested 524 people for alleged involvement in the riot.

The Pangchukla court in northern Haryana province on December 25 convicted Gurmit Lama Rahim Singh, 50, accused of raping two goddesses in 2002. Police arrested Xing after the verdict and transferred it to the military base, and the sentence will be sentenced to 28 days.

Singh is the leader of the Hindu religious group Derasajas Saida (DSS), with considerable followers in India. He claims that there are tens of millions of believers around the world as well as India.

He is famous for his unique roles as a religious leader, wearing a leather jacket and riding a motorcycle, and starring in a commercial film he made. His residence is several million pyeong, and the hotel and the hospital are also equipped. Singh, who was indicted, was led by a group of 100 vehicles when he came to court.

Outside of the Panchkula court, a few hundred thousand supporters of Singh gathered from a few days before the trial, and the Indian police deployed more than 15,000 troops and troops for safety.

These supporters revolted throughout the Panchkula region when Singh 's guilty verdict was announced. They burned several government building buildings, destroyed bus stops and government vehicles, and attacked police stations and TV stations.

 A man is building a motorcycle on the spot in the Panskulasi city of Haryana, where the religious group Dera Sacha Sauda of India crashed into the police with violence. Tens of thousands of believers who had been stationed near the court three days ago were guilty of raping Ramsing leader, who fired station and government offices and attacked the reporters. More than 10,000 police have been deployed, and twelve officers have reportedly been killed by police.

Panchkula was covered with a dark smoke all over the day, and the media 's cars were attacked and the car window was broken.

Police fired tear gas, water cannons, and bombs. A total of 32 people were killed and more than 250 were injured in the riot. The police also said 524 people were arrested on suspicion of arson.

Police said they were still aware of the possibility of rioting, as the specific sentence on Singh was announced on the 28th.

In Brazil, there is heated debate over the issue of developing the Amazon rainforest, which is called 'the lung of the earth'.

In Brazil, there is heated debate over the issue of developing the Amazon rainforest, which is called 'the lung of the earth'.

Political circles, environmental groups and artists are strongly opposed to President Mishooma Mere's recent decision to release some of the northern Amazon rainforest from environmental protection zones.

On Thursday, President Thamer decided to release the Amazon rainforest of 46,450 km2 from northern Amapau and Paraguay in an environmental protection zone. This is larger than the entire territory of Denmark.

In 1984, the end of the military dictatorship, the National Copper and Mineral Conservation Area (Renca) is estimated to have been buried in gold, iron ore and copper.

According to President Timer's decision, full-scale development of private companies will begin soon.

In Brazil, the issue of Amazon rainforest development is heating up again and again. [Brazil News Portal UOL]

The Brazilian government has decided to release 46,450 km2 of the Amazon rainforest from northern Amphwa and Para in an environmental protection zone. This is larger than the entire territory of Denmark. It is estimated that in 1984 it was designated as the National Copper and Mineral Conservation Area (Renca), where gold, iron ore and copper were buried in large quantities. [WWF website]

Gisele Bundchen, a Brazilian supermodel from the Brazilian government, strongly condemned President Termeir's decision to develop the Amazon rainforest, saying it was "an embarrassing act to auction the Amazon rainforest."

Bronch, who is also a long-time supporter of the World Environment Fund (WWF), an international environmental group, told Twitter that he should not let the rain forests that we have to protect be destroyed because of private development gains. "He said.

Gisele Bundchen, a Brazilian supermodel from Brazil,

The accusations against President Terrell are increasing.

Former US Senator Marina Siva, who has been a minister of environment at the government of former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and dedicated to environmental activism for a long time, said, "By using social networks (SNS) video messages, The government has blamed environmental policies.

"I am selling the Amazon rainforest to mine developers," he said, calling the decision to lift President Tamer's reserve a "fraud."

Marina Siva, called "Amazonian Woman" [State News Agency Agencea Brazil]

Famous artists and artists are posting a series of articles on the SNS, saying, "We are playing with national assets," and criticized President Thamer for not attempting to replace our forest with money.

The Brazilian government has said that the area of ​​the Amazon rainforest protection area does not change much, and that it intends to improve development activities that are indiscriminate in the protected area, but it seems unlikely that the blame will be eased.

President Thamer has appointed a cabinet minister as a cabinet minister and has cut the budget of the Ministry of Environment to a large extent.

The Amazon rainforest covers eight countries, including Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela, with a total area of ​​7.5 million square kilometers. Of these, about 60% of the Brazilian is called Amazonia Legal.

In the Amazon rainforest, one third of the world's species are known to exist. Starting from the Peruvian Andes and crossing the Amazon rainforest to the Atlantic coast of Brazil, the total length of the stream is 6,900 km.

A powerful hurricane "Harvey" is approaching Texas in the United States.

A powerful hurricane "Harvey" is approaching Texas in the United States. The scale can be confirmed in the universe.

In the Cupola, the observatory of the International Space Station (ISS), a huge Harvey was captured. NASA's astronaut Jack Fischer took Harvey's way through the Gulf of Mexico.

NASA is working on a real-time analysis. As well as Texas, the citizens of North America, where Harvey is expected to pass, are overpriced.

NASA has carefully analyzed the precipitation, the height of the clouds, and the temperature at the top of the clouds through data taken by GOES-East satellites. According to the analysis, Harvey is getting more powerful as he approaches Texas.

Harvey is a powerful hurricane that comes in 12 years and is a 'Category 3' grade. The maximum wind speed seems to be about 190 to 200 km per hour. Accompanied by a lot of rain of about 900mm.

Meanwhile, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted a stronger hurricane this year than in the Atlantic Ocean last year.

BTS BANGTAN boys members jin comeback spoiler

The group BTS bangtan boys has revealed the current situation ahead of comeback.

JIn posted a picture on the official bulletin board social network service (SNS) on the evening of the 24th.

The picture is a picture taken at the beach. Jean boasts a good ratio and a shoulder-like shoulder-like shoulder. The hair blowing in the wind and his gentle expression added to the strange atmosphere.

One time before, Jean put "Smeraldo" on the SNS and made a comeback spoiler. In this photo, the fans pay attention to the molten stone at the bottom left, "What does that mean," and began to speculate that it was paying off a comeback spoiler.

I did not know that it was a spoiler at the time, but I found that it was a spoiler after the comeback, so Ami (Bulletproof Boys Fan Club) also paid attention to the stone on the picture. The other Amy said, "It is just a stone."

On the other hand, the bulletproof boy band comes back to 'Love You Self' after 7 months on September 18 after 'WINGS' Abduction: You Never Walk Alone 'released in February.

Fresh Seven Jackson debuts solo in China ... First place on the charts "Unforgettable moment"

The group GOT7 (Godse Seven) Jackson is the solo song released in China.

Jackson released his debut solo debut single "Papillon" on March 26. 'Papillon' has been the first Asian rapper in the WORLDSTAR HIPHOP as well as the QQ Music Chart in China since its release.

"I am really honored to be able to climb to Worldstar Hip Hop as the first Asian rapper in Asia," Jackson said in his instagram: "It's a really memorable moment, I really appreciate all this. "

He added, "I really want to work harder to become a better artist. Thank you very much."

Jackson, who has been very popular in China, has proved its hottest popularity in the local QQ music recording chart and Billboard China with CM Song 'Generation 2' released in China in July. Since then, he has reached the summit of China to the solo song 'Papillon'.

On the other hand, Gade Seven has been showing more diversity through activities such as group, solo, and unit since the debut four years in June this year.